Roots School System Faisalabad, a portal campus of Roots School System D.H.A. 1, Islamabad is a modern, purpose built educational institution of international standards with latest state-of-the art facilities and is spread over 200+ kanals. It features a modern amphitheater with a capacity of 2000+ audience, international standard football ground, cricket and hockey ground, tennis and basketball courts and an infinity swimming pool. It includes a tailor-made counseling hall, seminar and conference halls and international standard classrooms. Roots Faisalabad is actively connected to Roots D.H.A. 1 campus Islamabad and forms the backbone of a fully connected global network. As one of the two major hubs in the global network, Roots Faisalabad creates a unique capacity for faculty and students to access and share the assets of the entire education system. Fully integrated in Faisalabad, it will help to establish the city as a leading international hub of talent, ideas and innovation.
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So bitter . Beyond the affordability of the middleman. Just pomp and show . Only to facilitate rich persons. A big... project not for education but only for traderead more
Great school from many aspects. You can excel in both academics and extracurricular activities if you're focused... enough. Lots of opportunities to prove yourself. Extremely professional, dedicated and polite teachers and staff. Knowledgeable and helpful counsellors to help students every step of the way. I can go on. Feels lucky to have been a student at this school. Minor management issues occur everywhere. If you're focused and are looking for opportunities to shine, this school is for more
All vendors who are working with this institution needs to stay alert and viggilant as these peoples may do fraud with... you any time, they may cancel your contract prior to make previous payments and they could grab your team also by offering them under table deals and other unethical incentives.Their team dealing with vendors is very unprofessional, immoral and they do not know the basic principals of official conduct then how they could claim to provide best education.Where the seed of corruption is sowing, the outcome "Roots" can't be more