Hajvery Cadet School (HCS) is a boarding institution providing quality education encompassing literary, cultural and co curricular activities with particular emphasis on preparations for entry tests of Military, Air Force and Naval Cadet Colleges.Hajvery Cadet School
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One of the best school in terms of discipline and ethics. They teach students to get the most out of them. My younger... brother is a student here and i am really happy that we choose this school.read more
In the history of Cadet Schools, Hajvery Cadet School is a history maker and trend setter cadet School of Punjab... Province. We proud of it and Chairman Ch Ansar Mehmood.read more
A nightmare of my life specially a teacher named Shareef Abid is the worst teacher I have studied in this School the... future in this School is not secured but it's dark and blurryread more
School is a formal institution which imparts education to the children with the help of teachers. Many countries under... the system of formal education have made school compulsory for every citizen. When a child grows from his or her infant stage, in order to cope up with the society as well as to learn rules and regulations to become a civilized and a nobleman in the society, he has to undergo through the process of schooling.School helps a child to learn how to live in society with other people, how to be responsive and behave with others, how to respect their elders especially the teachers. They transform a child from normal being into human being.read more
The C.A.S. School Kindergarten Campus is a purpose-built building located behind the Main Campus. The Kindergarten (KG) Section consists of five levels: Playgroup, KG1, KG2, Class 1 and Class 2. Playgroup, KG1 and KG2.