AIMS Al-RAZI Campus H-8

AIMS Al-RAZI Campus H-8 Claimed

Learning with Faith


AIMS Education System (AES), founded in 1998, is an education system designed specifically for a Muslim child growing up in the rapidly changing technological world of the Twenty first century.

The minds behind this system understand the single most important truth of our age: Deen is nothing without the Dunyah, and the Dunyah is nothing without our Deen. A child raised without an understanding of his/her inherited ideology is a child lost, and a lost youth is what eventually makes a lost nation.

To help your child understand and implement in their lives Islamic ideology, the integrated learning at AES is the first step on a long ladder, and In Sha’Allah, with the continued support of our alumni, parents and staff, we will continue down the road less travelled.



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Google Reviews

catastrophic anxiety
catastrophic anxiety
4 years ago
eh it was fine i guess
Khalid kiani
Khalid kiani
5 years ago
I studied here from the beginning (Montessori) till matric, the idea of making it an Islamic school was really good but... the thing is teachers just go there for time pass they are actually looking for government jobs those who cannot get that or are going to apply in future work there and when they get better job they quit which results in loss of flow of syllabus, understanding of students with teachers. Almost 3-5 teachers change the school per year of one subject, principal is actually a good person who wants people to get both education of the world and islam but he never even talks to the teachers he only talks to coordinators this makes teachers less valuable and hence the teachers also dont do there job by passion otherwise the environment is good and some teachers are really hard more
Tahir Farooq
Tahir Farooq
5 years ago
sami Kamran
sami Kamran
5 years ago
That is my school and I knew that is my best school everAnd I am happy
6 years ago
The best islamic english medium school in whole of Islamabad and it has the most talented teachers.
See All Reviews

Admission Status


Type of School


Classes on Offer

Pre-Nursery to Nursery
1 to 5 Grade
6-10 Grade
11-12 Grade
O Levels/IGCSE
A Levels
IB Primary Years
IB Middle Years
IB Diploma
Vocational Training
Information Not Available

Academic Session

August to July

Learning Environment

Separate Classrooms for Boys and Girls


Provincial BISE
University of Cambridge
International Baccalaureate



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