Air Base Inter College Sargodha established in the 1960s is an excellent educational institute in Sargodha having state of the art facility and high experienced faculty.
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It was good experience if you wanted to give your best to your children than take admission of them in this... institution normal fee best education and highly qualified staffread more
okay so i am student at this school i will tell the truth ( the other review`s are written by teachers so do not... believe them ) my experience was that the classes were not cleaned , most of chairs were broken also teachers do even try to teach , when a person asks a question teachers try to ignore it or they blame it on the person who asked .I will suggest that do not put your children in this school other schools are better ( if school is beautiful from outside that does not mean it is good inside )read more
Excellent educational institute in Sargodha, located at main jail road Sargodha, having a fantastic building including... sports ground, modern library, lush green lawns and highly educated, well groomed and experienced faculty.Highly recommended for the enrollment of your more