St Joseph’s Covent school is an all girls school established since 1862.
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Very very worst school very care less and very irresponsible no care of children at all my daughter currently studying... in school in class 1 she also qualified for mama and st joseph i prefare st joseph but now im again changing my daughter's school please before applying for admission please think about ur child 🙏read more
Worst school if u r from a poor or middle class family, coz this school always asks for money on everything.... Even... charges much more than average schools for an ID card for students. I wouldn't recommend it ever?read more
a healthy and a very very friendly daughters never ever feel the pressure of any teacher. work load is... more but its good for the future of the children of 21st century .otherwise they will caught or got stucked by the time waisting gadgets which ruins the children's ability.thanksful to Allah .read more
This is the best school ever known to me or for that matter, anyone. My lifetime teachings, I still carry them with... me. I left Pakistan in 1973. Am middle aged now but I still boast about being a Josephite.I would like to connect with the 1972 SSC Batch. Any one out there?read more