In 2003, the Sargodhian Spirit Trust (SST) set up its first modern residential public school at Rashidabad, Tando Allahyar, and it was named after its founding trust (SST): SST Public School, Rashidabad. It spreads over 50 acres of land donated by Rashid Memorial Welfare Organization (RMWO). Funds required for its construction were raised through endowments collected from alumni of PAF College, Sargodha, and grants from Government of Pakistan, Government of Sindh, a number of philanthropic organizations and many enlightened members of civil society. The school started functioning on 14th September, 2005 with boys from all provinces of Pakistan including FATA, GilgitBaltistan and Azad Kashmir. The vision of its founders is to provide quality education to the children of less developed areas of the country and to produce leaders in all walks of life. The school offers IGSCE & A-Level quality education on British Standards as well as SSC & HSSC (under FBISE) with great emphasis on character building based on universal human values and Islamic teachings.
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Sargodhian Spirit Trust school SST school is one of the institutions founded in 2005 by retired Air force officers the... premises of Rashidabad of Tando Allah Yar district of Sindh province. The purpose of founding the school was welfare of the local more
This is no trust this is the big business that's it....very expensive ....In the area of Sindh where the school was... built, except for a few elders, no other middle class man can educate his children here. So, in my opinion, this is not a good school.It should be called a trust only when the children of the poor can get education in schools. It is a trust. So please remove the word 'trust' at the end of this school more
Seriously, it an amazing experience to visit Rashidabad SST School. They are providing best quality education to the... student with lots of extra curricular activities. Experienced staff members. Sargodhian Spirit Trust Public School Rashidabad (SSTPSR) is founded on the premise that each human being is a person of worth. Through Learning Experience and Service to the community, they strive to educate young people to become responsiblecitizens and leaders of both Pakistan and the more
I believe it is one of the finest charitable cause to develop young high potential children of Pakistan. The institute... as I understand is run as a trust and provides scholarships to the deserving high potential students. One of the finest institute more
Amazed too see such spectacular infrastructures of trust base institution . School facilitates students with extra... curricular activities which is more likely to be appreciated. Such a beautiful experience. Near Hyderabad more