Rangers Cadet College is the DHQ verified Rangers 1st Official Cadet College that provides the best education from class 8 to XII.
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'so professional and busy' 'securing' Motherland & especially Karachi. Hence one of largest city of the World reached on brink of law and order disaster.But still " we are the best"
I just simply loved all the setting, discipline, arrangement and everything thing at RCC at was my greatest experience. It was a clean college and all the cadets were standing out there every where for the welcome of junior cadets and their parents. It was so good and I really loved everything. Now I only pray for my brother's best future over there. Thank you
Rangers cadet college chakri is an educational isntitute in chakri district rawalpindi post office sihal. This college is constructed under GHQ of rangers.This college started his educational activities from MAY 2021. the college initially started eight and 9th class admissions. The college held admission test every year for admission in RCC ( rangers cadet college).From August 2021 the college may started 11th class admissions. Now as the college take initially startup so they can focus on discipline and studies. One thing is that the monthly fee is much high. But concession is provided to the military wards.The college has 6 houses according to wards distributions. JINNAH, IQBAL , NISHTAR,FALCONS and 2 more. It lies on chakri road rawalpindi at a distance of 4 km from M-2 motorway chakri interchange.May GOD success them in future.