Jadeed Dastgir Ideal High School was established in 1970 and now it has completed 49 years of academic excellence. It is ranked among the top institutes of Gujranwala.
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The most prominent private school in Gujranwala City.It is expensive of course because besides monthly school fee the... addition of different other items add burden for the parents.But parents have to bear such extra expenses for the sake of better education of their kids.There is no concession in fee even three to four siblings are studying there which should be considered by the school owners.read more
Best , #1 school in Gujranwala.. Top school in the world is well...Best , colified staff made it successful.It is the... great , superb, top & gorgeous institute .Sir Jameel , the chairman of school is a very kind person. All the staff is very hardworking & nice. Allah bless them all.May the school stay always top of the school in the world.read more
The A+ Schools Program is a whole-school reform model that views the arts as fundamental to teaching and learning in... all subjects. A+ Schools combine interdisciplinary teaching and daily arts instruction, offering children opportunities to develop creative, innovative ways of thinking, learning and showing what they know. In A+ Schools, teaching the state’s mandated curriculum involves a collaborative, many-disciplined approach, with the arts continuously woven into every aspect of a child’s learning.The central vision of A+ is to build enhanced, creative, arts-integrated learning opportunities for all students. For schools, A+ gradually becomes a comprehensive education reform because other changes in school practice, in areas from assessment to scheduling and collaboration to parent involvement, radiate out as necessary to achieve this central vision. Each A+ school develops a unique school identity around the arts that deepens and enhances each student’s educational experience and prepares them for the challenges of today’s creative and global economy.On-going, high-quality A+ professional development and the development of strong community partnerships help each school to maintain their unique A+ identity while continuing to grow and change as shifts in the educational landscape take place.read more