DA Public School O & A Level is a reputed school situated at DHA, Phase VIII. This is one of the ideal institutes with an intellectual educational environment necessary for student and teacher growth. Spread over an area of 10 acres, it fulfills the need of 2200 students under the guidance of the Education Directorate and the Administrator Defence Housing Authority.
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I did my A'levels from this school in 2011. It was an ok experience. Management was quite poor. They try to imitate a... strict, army school system. Coming from APS, I can say they were doing a poor job. Teachers are good but classes were kept in a way to waste maximum time of student. It was compulsion to arrive at 8am even if you had class at 11am. Only good thing is that is one of few a A level schools which are not confined to a building.read more
IT IS SHOCKING THAT ENGLISH GRAMMAR TEACHER OF CLASS 7 IS ABUSING CHILDREN AND CALLING THEM BASTARD!!Nothing is... explained to the children then she puts big question marks on it and tell the children " don't show me this crap!!!"Principal and coordinator are defending her. Is this professionalism is this ethical shame on all of you. Children so scared if her!!read more