Cadet College Palandri is a residential educational institute for boys in Palandri, Sudhanoti District Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. The Cadet College Palandri offers classes from Grade 8 up to Grade 12 (FSc). Admission to the college is allowed in Class-VIII once a year. The Cadets are prepared for the Secondary School Certificate (Matriculation) and Intermediate examinations conducted by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Mirpur AJ&K. The College has a purpose built campus, and is spread over an area of about 60 acres. The buildings consist of a double storied Education block, Five Hostels called Jinnah House, Iqbal House, Khan House, Sher House and Karailvi House, Cadets Mess, and Administrative block. The college campus has residential accommodation for the staff. There are several play grounds in the college for outdoor games which include hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, cricket field and an athletic track. The College also has a state of art gymnasium, which provides facilities for weight training, indoor badminton, volleyball and basketball. Cadets are accommodated in the Hostels called “Houses”. A House organizes its own social functions, excursion, prep, indoor and outdoor games and sports. Each house is in the charge of a House Master and a House Prefect and one Non Commissioned Officer from Pakistan Army.
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Cadet college pallandri highly professional education institute of pallandri. overall Pakistani student took admissions... on merits it is a boarding college students enjoy 4 star living facility indoor and out door games.Pallandri weather is on madiam no extreme summer or wenter, winter is shorter and summer shorter too 6 month pleasent session in more
Depressing place I have studied here for five years even though it nourishes us well it is a depressing placeApart... from all that scenery is beautifulread more
One of most competative College among other cadet colleges with Around 350 plus cadets serving In Pakistan Military... besides Other fields.Providing nearly all the facilities and spread on a vast area.I M ALWAYS PROUD FOR BEING PART OF IT.:)read more
The cadet collage is beautiful and well maintained,, i love the place. I doubt a bit about the standard of it if... comparing it to cadet collages in Pakistan.... Maybe the principal should not be local nor should be the teaching staff.. Other wise ?read more
Previosly it was a very good educational military high school. But a lot of politics has been brought inside of this... college. Wish it gain back its worthread more