FG Public School (Boys) Abbottabad is one of the oldest and best institute in Abbottabad with experienced teaching staff.
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Very good institute, teachers are cooperative and experienced.Most importantly, staff here talks to you, not to your... car, unlike other similar institutes.Fee is very reasonable.The only problem here is some students are from educated families and same are not, so there is a gap, which sometimes fills itself in positive direction and sometimes it doesn’t.In Abbottabad people still think that money can overcome education, this thought creates uneducated degree holders, and this schools becomes their first step.read more
One of the oldest and the BEST educational institute in Abbottabad. Located at a very beautiful place.And hey, if you... are an ex student, please must visit your educational institutions atleast for a while in order to pay your tribute, to offer reverence and to recall your beautiful memories of the early days (no matter how much late you are in visit it).read more