Iqra Residential School and College is English Medium School with spacious classes who provides hostel facility to even kids less than 10 years old.
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I had a really bad experience here ... specially in girls section they torture kids mentally....I can never forget... their harsh words ....specially a Mam named haleema she surely is not so honest towards her profession they only do business with our lives they dont care about our future ...all they want is money and to play with kids lives ...if a student had done something which is against of the school rules than she directly attacks on kids background k apka to baap bi aisa ta ..apki maa kya karti hai gar ..she have no manners ....please raise your voice for your children's I dont want anyone else to suffer the way I have suffered more
Its not a good or special school for study.It's exam hall is not fair it's easy to cheat yours papers and that's not... good for our child.And they just make a good planning to earn money nothing more in this school or college.I just reg to the government of Balochistan make a good government school and colleges in village's or towns for Pakistan for Balochistan for your child life.Thank youread more
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