Frontier Children’s Academy started on April 2, 1991, as a Secondary School. Now known as Frontier Youth’s Academy, it flourished and established a prominent position in the academic circles for its higher performance.
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Absolutely disgusted by this school,the prinicipal has no control over the boys and everyday there are fights outside... the school... the fights get this bad that they even use guns! The education system is good but the overall training of boys is 0!Not recommended at allEven boys of 1st and 2nd grade fight and they get seriously injured....The students do whatever they like they bring phones and nooone says nothing.they break bones of each other !!👎read more
Great school with great teachers, and you will surely get high score in matric...but very less coCurriculum acctivities... and mostly based on ratta more
Hate this place. This institute destroy my whole school life. I hve spent 10 years here but this place didn't give me a... single thing without few of good friends. They pressurized me mentally..F*** You !!read more